عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 26-01-2006, 04:31 PM   #29
قنــاص مبــدع
الصورة الرمزية المجروح
افتراضي رد : هل تحب رسول ؟؟؟ إذا تفضل ....... ((وشاهد و دافع عنه ))

من أجل محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قم بتوقيع استنكار على الجريدة من الموقع الشهير
وصل عدد الموقعون حتى الان 17268شخص
ما عليك إلا الضغط على هذا الرابط واملآ الفراغات
Magazinet editor Vebjoern Selbekk
Naturally, freedom of expression, and its extension, freedom of the press, is a sort of human right which should be provided to all individuals in all different societies. However, it is inappropriate to exploit civil liberties laws to attack and obnoxiously insult other religions. Therefore, respect and appreciation for all religions and their value systems is an essential right which should be guaranteed for all minorities.

As Muslims, stunned by the news, we strongly condemn the distortion of the image of the most honored Islamic figure, the Nobel Prophet Muhammad in sort of cartoons and caricatures series published in Magazinet newspaper, and we forewarn you about major consequences if amendment is not made from your behalf. In addition, Muslims will never accept this kind of humiliation. The article has insulted every Muslim in the world, spiritually.

As a result, this campaign of defamation and distortion against Islam will only provoke Muslims into violence and conflicts, which is not in the interest of any nation.

In conclusion, we Muslims all over the world demand an apology and more consideration to Islamic figures in the future.


ما نبي كلام ياناس نبي فعل

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